I have a new teacher.She is an nglish teacher,her name is Miss He.She is young and beautiful.She is strict but kind.
查看详细I have a good friend, his name is Mike. He has a small nose and a wide mouth. Although he has a wide mouth, but he is not talkative.
查看详细青青池水碧连天,清风轻拂起岸边。 涟漪四起平镜碎,如末星辰浮其间。
查看详细红旗随风舞翩翩, 灯光溢彩映亮天。 举国同庆数十载, 千家万户习开颜。
查看详细千山一碧出红日, 尤如穿透九霄云。 若今当有夕阳照, 定会撒下满山红。
查看详细西丽麻墈好风光, 羊台三月真漂亮。 层峦叠翠云雾漫, 花气袭人分外香。
查看详细Thisismy teachen .Her name is su li.
查看详细my favourate season is summer . It always sunny and hot. I can wearmy favourite pink T/shirt . Ican swim inthe river ... I like summer best .
查看详细刚刚天空还阳光明媚,谁知马上就下起了大雨, 泥姑娘伸出苍白的双手, 保护了一只蝴蝶, 可她, 却化成了一滩水。 五年级:廖敏